For more information regarding the marketing pieces found on this page, please contact the Branding Team.

IFL client-directed materials, internal tool kits, and contract summaries are not included here due to compliance and proprietary concerns but can be ordered via the Xerox catalog.

All files are listed in alphabetical order within each category. To view a file, click on the image of the file you wish to view (all files are saved in PDF format). To save a file to your desktop, right-click on the image, select Save Target As, and click Save (navigate to either your desktop or your My Documents folder).

Laboratory Stewardship

ARUP AnalyticsDx™

June 2023
Description: AnalyticsDx™ is the solution to finding, correcting, and preventing unnecessary expenses and misordered testing.

ARUP AnalyticsDx™ Comprehensive Dashboard

June 2023
Description: AnalyticsDx™ Comprehensive is a secure, HIPAA compliant dashboard that gathers all of your data into one database, giving labs the power to quickly identify inefficient test utilization and systemwide savings.

ARUP AnalyticsDx™ Sendout Dashboard

June 2023
Description: AnalyticsDx™ Sendout lets labs easily manage all the testing sent to ARUP Laboratories. This dashboard is accessible for all clients who use ARUP as their reference lab—at no additional cost.

ARUP FDA LDT Survey Results

March 2024
Description: A visual representation of the ARUP survey of the clinical laboratory community's sentiment of the FDA's proposed rule to regulate lab-developed tests.

ARUP Healthcare Advisory Services

April 2022
Description: Our Healthcare Advisory Services team offers a holistic strategic approach that drives revenue growth and advances the foundational mission of healthcare—patient outcomes.

ARUP Consult® One-Sheet

September 2018
Description: ARUP Consult overview with focus on Consult features; One-Sheet format; suitable for current and potential clients as well as physicians and other healthcare professionals.

ARUP Consult® Tri-Fold

September 2021
Description: ARUP Consult overview with focus on Consult features; Tri-fold format; suitable for current and potential clients as well as physicians and other healthcare professionals.

ARUP Gateway™ Bifold

October 2017
Description: Gateway overview; bifold format; suitable for clients, potential clients, and lab managers.

ARUP Gateway™ One Sheet

March 2024
Description: Gateway overview; one sheet format; suitable for clients, potential clients, and lab managers.
Must be cobranded; please contact Product Managers–Informatics for more information and to request.

Billing Service Information

August 2020
Description: Billing service information includes billing company contact information and key points of consideration.

Blood Utilization

August 2020
Description: Studies show hospitals with a robust blood utilization program reduce excessive ordering patterns by20–30%, potentially saving upwards of $250,000 per year.

Comprehensive Dashboard

August 2020
Description: Our dashboard provides the insight hospital executives need to turn misutilized resources into improved patient care and better financial stability.

Precision Medicine

August 2020
Description: Let ARUP help you develop a precision medicine program that works for you and your patients.

Optimizing Order Sets

August 2020
Description: Studies show that optimizing order sets with evidence-based guidelines improves patient outcomes

Quality Management System

October 2020
Description: By developing an enhanced quality management system, laboratories can save on costs while increasing revenue and profits.

Regaining Revenue: How One Lab Rebuilt Its Outreach Program

March 2022
Description: Downward reimbursement pressure and a need for cash are leading to the sale of hospital outreach programs. This is a short-term solution that provides the health system with an infusion of cash but takes away the long-term benefits and revenue potential that come from investing in the laboratory. With proper planning, it is possible to reclaim outreach business that has been sold, as demonstrated by Tucson Medical Center.


Technical Services

AAV5 DetectCDx

July 2023
Description: AAV5 DetectCDx helps identify patients with hemophilia A that are eligible for the gene therapy treatment ROCTAVIAN (valoctocogene roxaparvovec-rvox).

Cytogenetic Testing Guide

January 2024
Description: A guide that provides useful information for new clients that are transferring cytogenetic testing to ARUP Laboratories.


Genetics contacts

July, 2024
Description: ARUP Genetics Our focus is your patient. We hope you will consider using ARUP for your genetic testing needs. For your convenience, we offer a sticky label that contains our contact information.

Genetics and Genomics Testing

May, 2024
Description: Overview of testing in the disciplines of molecular genetics, cytogenetics, and biochemical genetics; brochure format; suitable for clients, potential clients, genetic counselors, pathologists, and physicians.

Hematologic Malignancies Testing

June 2024
Description: ARUP offers a robust suite of testing for hematologic malignancies that encompasses both routine and esoteric testing.

Immunohistochemistry Stain Offerings

July, 2022
Description: Overview of IHC stains that can be performed at ARUP; brochure format; suitable for clients, potential clients, and pathologists.

KIT Mutation Analysis by ddPCR for Mast Cell Disorders

June 2022
Description: ARUP Laboratories offers one of the first noninvasive tests to use digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) on either peripheral blood or bone marrow to provide accurate, quantitative results for the detection of the KIT D816V mutation.

Minimum Residual Disease (MRD)

July 2020
Description: ARUP has developed a variety of MRD tests based on specific clinical indications, and these tests offer excellent sensitivity.



ARUP Building 4 brochure

August 2021
Description:  ARUP Expands Operations Into One of the Most Advanced Labs in the Country

ARUP Fact Sheet/Corporate Capabilities for clients, potential clients

January 2023
Description:  An overview of who ARUP is and what our capabilities are. Suitable for clients and prospects.

ARUP Fact Sheet/General for media, general public

June 2024
Summary:  This Fact Sheet represents ARUP in the broadest possible way with tangible numbers and our brand story. Audiences include the media, general public, clients, and prospective clients.


Description: Annual magazine featuring stories about ARUP medical directors, tests, and innovations; magazine format; suitable for all audiences.

Magnify Spring 2024 Print Package

Description: Primary print feature may be shared with clients, employees, and others. This edition highlights the milestone moments in ARUP’s history with a special video and offers a glimpse of the company’s future.

Magnify Fall 2023 Print Package

Description: Primary print feature may be shared with clients, employees, and others. This edition highlights innovations that keep ARUP at the forefront of toxicology testing. Also featured: ARUP’s expanded capacity for cytogenetics testing.

Magnify Spring 2023 Print Package

Description: Primary print feature may be shared with clients, employees, and others. This edition explores how ARUP has grown its transfusion medicine, blood banking, and immunohematology programs to serve patients and demonstrate how to optimize blood utilization.

Magnify Fall 2022 Print Package

Description: Primary print feature may be shared with clients, employees, and others. This edition shows how ARUP has applied what it learned from COVID-19 to improve operations, services, and, ultimately, patient care.

Magnify Summer 2022 Print Package

Description: Primary print feature may be shared with clients, employees, and others. This edition explores the diagnostic challenges of autoimmune neurologic conditions and the ARUP scientists working on advancements in testing that will improve patient care. This issue also features ARUP medical directors and employees honored with awards in 2021, and a catch-up with a former fellow who is breaking new ground in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes

Magnify Winter 2022/Healthcare Advisory Services Print Package

Description: Primary feature package from Magnify Winter 2022, as print or digital PDF, may be shared with clients, employees, and others. This package focuses on the six pieces showcasing ARUP’s Healthcare Advisory Services, descriptions of their services, consultant profiles, a client testimonial, and two related thought leadership columns authored by Dave Shiembob and Brian Jackson.

Magnify Spring 2024 One Sheet

Description: Print or digital handout to share with clients, employees, and others. Promotes the Spring 2024 edition of Magnify, the Art and Science of Diagnostic Medicine, ARUP’s digital magazine. This edition highlights the milestone moments in ARUP’s history with a special video and offers a glimpse of the company’s future.

Magnify Fall 2023 One Sheet

Description: Print or digital handout to share with clients, employees, and others. Promotes the Fall 2023 edition of Magnify, the Art and Science of Diagnostic Medicine, ARUP’s digital magazine. This edition highlights innovations that keep ARUP at the forefront of toxicology testing. Also featured: ARUP’s expanded capacity for cytogenetics testing.

Magnify Spring 2023 One Sheet

Description: Print or digital handout to share with clients, employees, and others. Promotes the Spring 2023 edition of Magnify, the Art and Science of Diagnostic Medicine, ARUP’s digital magazine. This edition explores how ARUP has grown its transfusion medicine, blood banking, and immunohematology programs to serve patients and demonstrate how to optimize blood utilization.

Magnify Fall 2022 One Sheet

Description: Print or digital handout to share with clients, employees, and others. Promotes the Fall 2022 edition of Magnify, the Art and Science of Diagnostic Medicine, ARUP’s digital magazine. This edition shows how ARUP has applied what it learned from COVID-19 to improve operations, services, and, ultimately, patient care.

Magnify Summer 2022 One Sheet

Description: Print or digital handout to share with clients, employees, and others. Promotes the Summer 2022 edition of Magnify, the Art and Science of Diagnostic Medicine, ARUP’s digital magazine. This editing explores the diagnostic challenges of autoimmune neurologic conditions and the ARUP scientists working on advancements in testing that will improve patient care, ARUP medical directors and employees honored with awards in 2021, and a catch-up with a former fellow who is breaking new ground in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes.

Specimen Transport Instructions

September 2023
Description: Complete overview of specimen pickup and transport; brochure format; suitable for clients, lab managers, and logistics staff.



Quarterly Webinar Series 2024

January 2024
Description: The Institute for Learning sponsors live webinar events covering emerging topics in laboratory medicine and industry trends on a quarterly basis. Presenters are selected from the University of Utah School of Medicine, Department of Pathology faculty, and ARUP medical directors, staff, and consultants.

Free CEUs

March 2024
Description: ARUP’s Online Scientific Resource for Research and Education offers P.A.C.E.® and Florida continuing education credits to laboratory professionals.

Free CMEs

March 2024
Description: ARUP’s Online Scientific Resource for Research and Education provides CME courses for physicians and SAM for pathologists.

MLS Student Resource Center

January 2024
Description: Now available on ARUP’s laboratory education website, the MLS Student Resource Center provides quality educational resources to students and educators.


Patient and Physician Information

4Kscore Test for Prostate Cancer

July 2024
Description: Discusses testing for prostate cancer, with a focus on the 4Kscore Test, which distinguishes men with a low risk for aggressive prostate cancer from those with a high risk; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

June 2024
Description: ARUP Laboratories’ Rapid Acute Myeloid Leukemia Targeted Therapy Mutation Panel offers a quick turnaround time, which is critical in the timely identification of prognostic markers and advantageous for immediate patient management.

ARUP Autoimmune Neurology Panel Components

June 2024
Description: Antibody component comparison tables for autoimmune neurology CSF and serum panels.

Ashkenazi Jewish Descent Carrier Screening

September 2021
Description: Overview of carrier screening for individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.

Autoimmune Neurologic Disease

March 2024
Description: Clinician-targeted marketing piece on the benefits of testing with ARUP for autoimmune neurologic disease, including encephalitis and paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes. Trifold format.

Calculi Leave Behind

December 2023
Description: Provides more information about calculi (kidney stone) testing at ARUP; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

November 2021
Description: Discusses cytogenetic, molecular, and flow cytometric testing for CLL patients; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.


Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Testing

September 2021
Description: A description of cystic fibrosis, its inheritance, carrier risks in different ethnicities, and how testing affects risk for affected offspring; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.
(Available in Spanish)

Cystic Fibrosis Descriptions and Ordering Recommendations

September 2021
Description: A list of cystic fibrosis test descriptions with ordering recommendations.

Cystic Fibrosis FAQ

September 2021
Description: A list of common questions and answers about CF testing; One-Sheet format; suitable for clients, genetic counselors, and physicians.

Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, and Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing

March 2024
Description: ARUP Laboratories provides high-quality, accurate results to assist you with decisions about treatment and management. Get the answers you need for your patients and their families.

Huntington Disease FAQ

October 2023
Description: A list of common questions and answers about HD testing; One-Sheet format; suitable for clients, genetic counselors, and physicians.

LipoFit by NMR Leave Behind

April 2024
Description: LipoFit by NMR is a competitive alternative to lipid particle analysis tests.

Massively Parallel Sequencing One Sheet

May 2024
Description: ARUP has transitioned several solid tumor oncology tests to massively parallel sequencing (also known as next generation sequencing, or NGS) and to tumor-specific panels.

Maternal Serum Screening

March 2022
Description: Overview of all the available maternal serum screening tests that help identify pregnancies at increased risk for Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and open neural tube defects; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.
Click here for Spanish version

Maternal Serum Screening Options Table

July 2024
Description: This table breaks down in detail ARUP's Maternal Serum Screening testing for the first and second trimester."

Maternal Serum First-Trimester Screen

March 2022
Description: Overview of first-trimester prenatal screening test for Down syndrome and trisomy 18; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.
Click here for Spanish version

Maternal Serum Integrated Screen

March 2022
Description: Overview of the integrated prenatal screening test for Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and open neural tube defects; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.
Click here for Spanish version

Maternal Serum Quadruple Screen

March 2022
Description: Overview of second-trimester prenatal quad screening test for Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and open neural tube defects; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.
Click here for Spanish version

Maternal Serum Sequential Screen

March 2022
Description: Overview of sequential two-part screening test for Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and open neural tube defects; trifold format; suitable for clients, patients, genetic counselors, and physicians.
Click here for Spanish version

Newborn Drug Testing Leave Behind

August 2023
Description: ARUP offers two newborn specimen types to support neonatal drug testing: Meconium and Umbilical cord.

Newborn Drug Test Sales Handout

January 2024
Description: Drug detection tests are performed to support clinical and social management decisions and do not usually require chain of custody.

Next Generation Sequencing Handout

February 2024
Description: ARUP's extensive menu of next generation sequencing (NGS) assays includes testing for hereditary cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, and neurologic disease.

Noninvasive Prenatal Aneuploidy Screen Test (Patient)

May 2022
Description: Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is prenatal screening that assesses the risk that a fetus will be born with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

Noninvasive Prenatal Aneuploidy Screen Test (Physician)

May 2022
Description: Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is prenatal screening that assesses the risk that a fetus will be born with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

Prenatal Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA) Screening (Client)

June 2024
Description: Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is prenatal screening that assesses the risk that a fetus will be born with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

Pharmacogenetics Leave Behind

October 2023
Description: Focuses on how pharmacogenetic testing can help save lives and money, includes ordering information; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.

Prenatal Leave Behind

April 2019
Description: ARUP’s comprehensive genetics laboratory performs prenatal screening and diagnostic testing in one location.


Prostate Health Index (phi) Leave Behind

May 2024
Description: Provides more information about Prostate Health Index (phi) testing at ARUP; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.

QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus

May 2024
Description: ARUP’s QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus assays offer optimized analyses with tuberculosis (TB)-specific antigens that elicit both CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell responses—enabling a more comprehensive assessment of cell-mediated immune response to TB infection.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

May 2024
Description: Overview of sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing at ARUP and resources; handout format; suitable for clients and physicians.

Testing for Chromosomal Abnormalities

January 2024
Description: ARUP provides a broad range of cytogenetics testing for prenatal, constitutional hematologic malignancy, and solid tumor cases.

Tickborne Infections Leave Behind

April 2023
Description: Overview of molecular and antibody tickborne infection testing at ARUP and resources; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.

Umbilical Cord Tissue Collection For Drug Testing One Sheet

January 2024
Description: Provides overview of Umbilical Cord Tissue Collection For Drug Testing at ARUP; trifold format; suitable for clients and physicians.

Umbilical Cord Tissue Collection and Testing

January 2024
Description: A trifold focused on umbilical cord collection and testing to determine what drugs babies have been exposed to while in utero. This visually-driven piece provides perspective from an ARUP medical director, physician, and a mother who abused drugs while pregnant.

Umbilical Cord Tissue Drug Testing

March 2023
Description: ARUP's umbilical cord drug testing detects over 60 drugs and metabolites and is based on highly sensitive and specific liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).