The Institute for Clinical and Experimental Research® is focused on the development of new diagnostic assays in a wide range of disciplines. Researchers at the institute regularly publish in respected, peer-reviewed journals, give presentations at national and international organizations, author books and book chapters, and develop new tests.

Publications by Year

Recent Publications

Espinal DO, Mathison BA, Pritt BS, Schuetz AN. Chapter 17: Mycology and Parasitology. Publisher: Elsevier, Editor: Arinsburg S, Jhang J. Clinical Pathology Board Review, 2nd ed., December 2024; pp. 388-436.

Torlakovic EE, Calvo KR, George T, Hyjek E, Lee SH, Porwit A, Sabattini E, Saft L, Zhou X, Tzankov A. Clinical Applications of Bone Marrow CD34 Immunohistochemistry (BM CD34 IHC) Assay: International Council for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH) Guidelines. Int J Lab Hematol, December 2024.

Lin L, Filtz M, Wilson J, Errigo R, Zuromski LM, Nguyen Sorenson A, Young BA. Comparing Refrigeration to Immediate Room Temperature Testing for Uric Acid Monitoring in Rasburicase-Treated Patients. J Appl Lab Med, December 2024.

Haas AL, Bradley BT, Hanson KE. Recent Developments in Culture-Independent Fungal Diagnostics. Infect Dis Clin North Am, December 2024; S0891-5520(24)00079-5.

Hanna M, Pantanowitz L, Jackson B, Palmer O, Visweswaran S, Pantanowitz J, Deebajah M, Rashidi H. Ethical and Bias Considerations in Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning. Mod Pathol, December 2024.

Ma A, Mathison BA, Couturier MR. Shedding new light on Cyclospora: how the use of ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy can improve diagnosis of cyclosporiasis. J Clin Microbiol, December 2024.

Mathewson NJ, Baryeh K, Rudolf JW, Sundaresh V, Pandya V. Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Inconsistent with Patient's Clinical Presentation: A Cautionary Tale. Clin Chem, December 2024; 70(12):1411-1414.

Lalos N, Vesoulis Z, Maucione C, Eby C, Dietzen DJ, Roper SM, Spies NC. Estimation of gestational age-specific reference intervals for coagulation assays in a neonatal intensive care unit using real-world data. J Thromb Haemost, December 2024; 22(12):3473-3478.

Macias T, Bingham Abujasen K, Usera PC, Knight LD. Acute Fluoride Toxicity Due to Intentional Ingestion of Hydrofluoric Acid Commercial Product. Am J Forensic Med Pathol, December 2024; 45(4):331-334.

Maharjan AS, Amjadi SS, Jaskowski TD, La'ulu SL, Lebiedz-Odrobina D, Frech TM, Tebo AE. Diagnostic performance of specific biomarkers for interstitial lung disease: a single center study. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, November 2024.

Wen T, Shayota BJ, Wallace L, Mani C, Davis N, Zhao J. A Case Report on 13q12.3 Microdeletion Syndrome Caused by HMGB1 Haploinsufficiency. Case Rep Genet, November 2024; 2024:1912620.

Yang T, Beach KE, Zhu C, Gan M, Wang W, Zhou H, Peng L, Wang S, Cai L, Li W, Davis JB, Cicchetti N, Slechta ES, Barker A, Shakir SM, Carey AF, Liu Q. Genomic analysis of global Mycobacterium abscessus isolates reveals ongoing evolution of drug-resistance-associated genes. J Infect Dis, November 2024.

Kirtek TJ, Chen W, Harris JC, Bagg A, Foucar K, Tam W, Orazi A, Hsi ED, Hasserjian RP, Wang SA, Ng DP, George TI, Shi M, Reichard KK, Symes E, Zhang X, Arber DA, Weinberg OK. Acute Leukemias of Ambiguous Lineage With MDS-Associated Mutations Show Similar Prognosis Compared to Acute Myeloid Leukemia With MDS-Associated Mutations: A Study From the Bone Marrow Pathology Group. Am J Hematol, November 2024; 100(2):300-304.

Potter S, Gulbahce E, Porretta J, Lomo L, Duffy K, Winkler N, Coleman J, Jedrzkiewicz J. Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Nipple: Case Report With Literature Review. Am J Dermatopathol, November 2024.

Hoshina Y, Abbatemarco JR, Rodenbeck SJ, Poon JT, Liu SC, Paz Soldan MM, Greenlee JE, Rose JW, Peterson LK, Johnson L, Delic A, Smith TL, Clardy SL. Matched oligoclonal bands: Diagnostic utility and clinical characteristics. Ann Clin Transl Neurol, November 2024; 11 (11):2846-2854.

Spies NC, Militello L, Farnsworth CW, El-Khoury JM, Durant TJS, Zaydman MA. Prospective and External Validation of an Ensemble Learning Approach to Sensitively Detect Intravenous Fluid Contamination in Basic Metabolic Panels. Clin Chem, November 2024.

Li P, Alnoor FNU, Xie W, Williams M, Feusier J, Ding Y, Zhao X, Zheng G, Zhao C, Zieske AW, Zu Y, Raess PW, Tantravahi S, Osman A, Patel AB, Tashi T, Patel JL, Matynia AP, Menon MP, Miles RR, Jacobsen JR, George TI, Sborov DW, Szankasi P, Rindler P, Close D, Ohgami RS. Rapid growth of acquired UBA1 mutations predisposes male patients to low-risk MDS. Leukemia, November 2024.

Alnoor F, Rangel A, Luo M, Silva O, Chisholm KM, O'Malley D, Warnke R, Kumar J, Ohgami RS. Unicentric Castleman Disease: Updates and Novel Insights Into Spindle Cell Proliferations and Aggressive Forms of a Localized Disease. Int J Lab Hematol, November 2024.

Christensen RE, Yi MD, Kang BY, Ibrahim SA, Anvery N, Dirr M, Adams S, Amer YS, Bisdorff A, Bradfield L, Brown S, Earley A, Fatheree LA, Fayoux P, Getchius T, Ginex P, Graham A, Green CR, Gresele P, Hanson H, Haynes N, Hegedüs L, Hussein H, Jakhmola P, Kantorova L, Krishnasamy R, Krist A, Landry G, Lease ED, Ley L, Marsden G, Meek T, Meremikwu M, Moga C, Mokrane S, Mujoomdar A, Newton S, O'Flynn N, Perkins GD, Smith EJ, Prematunge C, Rychert J, Saraco M, Schünemann HJ, Senerth E, Sinclair A, Shwayder J, Stec C, Tanni S, Taske N, Temple-Smolkin RL, Thomas L, Thomas S, Tonnessen B, Turner AS, Van Dam A, van Doormaal M, Wan YL, Ventura CB, McFarlane E, Morgan RL, Ogunremi T, Alam M. Corrigendum to "Development of an international glossary for clinical guidelines collaboration" "[Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 158 (2023) 84-91]". J Clin Epidemiol, November 2024; 175:111514.

Longo N, Voss LA, Frigeni M, Balakrishnan B, Pasquali M. Response to therapy of creatine transporter deficiency caused by a hypomorphic variant in SLC6A8. Mol Genet Metab, November 2024; 143(3):108595.

O'Fallon B, Bolia A, Durtschi J, Yang L, Fredrickson E, Hunter B. Generative Haplotype Prediction Outperforms Statistical Methods for Small Variant Detection in NGS Data. Bioinformatics, November 2024; 40(11):btae565.

Goldstein SA, Winder M, Carter C, Diamond JB, Bowles E, Martins TB, Hill HR, Bailly DK. Cytokines in chest tube drainage after pediatric cardiac surgery – Is chylothorax the only phenotype? Cytokine, October 2024; Volume 184, 2024.

Nelson RS, Seligson ND, Bottiglieri S, Carballido E, Cueto AD, Imanirad I, Levine R, Parker AS, Swain SM, Tillman EM, Hicks JK. Correction: Nelson et al. UGT1A1 Guided Cancer Therapy: Review of the Evidence and Considerations for Clinical Implementation. Cancers 2021, 13, 1566. Cancers (Basel), October 2024; 16(21):3595.

Peron A, D'Arco F, Aldinger KA, Smith-Hicks C, Zweier C, Gradek GA, Bradbury K, Accogli A, Andersen EF, Au PYB, Battini R, Beleford D, Bird LM, Bouman A, Bruel AL, Busk ØL, Campeau PM, Capra V, Carlston C, Carmichael J, Chassevent A, Clayton-Smith J, Bamshad MJ, Earl DL, Faivre L, Philippe C, Ferreira P, Graul-Neumann L, Green MJ, Haffner D, Haldipur P, Hanna S, Houge G, Jones WD, Kraus C, Kristiansen BE, Lespinasse J, Low KJ, Lynch SA, Maia S, Mao R, Kalinauskiene R, Melver C, McDonald K, Montgomery T, Morleo M, Motter C, Openshaw AS, Palumbos JC, Parikh AS, Perilla-Young Y, Powell CM, Person R, Desai M, Piard J, Pfundt R, Scala M, Serey-Gaut M, Shears D, Slavotinek A, Suri M, Turner C, Tvrdik T, Weiss K, Wentzensen IM, Zollino M, Hsieh TC; C4RCD Research Group; Telethon Undiagnosed Disease Program (TUDP); University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG); de Vries BBA, Guillemot F, Dobyns WB, Viskochil D, Dias C.. BCL11A intellectual developmental disorder: defining the clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations. Eur J Hum Genet, October 2024.

Webb BJ, Fisher MA, Tinker N. Re: "HANCEK" infective endocarditis: a case for including Neisseria elongata in the HACEK group. Clin Microbiol Infect, October 2024; S1198-743X(24)00497-X.

Hamilton MJ, Greene LW, Madigan LM, Wang SA, Arana Yi C, Kuykendall A, George TI, Castells MC. Case Report: Multidisciplinary management of a patient with indolent systemic mastocytosis and refractory symptoms. Front Allergy, October 2024; 5:1401187.

Huang X, Pomicter AD, Ahmann J, Qiao Y, Chen OS, George TI, Cruz-Rodriguez N, Guru SA, Marth GT, Deininger MW. Clonal dynamics of aggressive systemic mastocytosis on avapritinib therapy. Blood Cancer J, October 2024; 14(1):179.

Bithi N, Ricks D, Walker BS, Law C, Johnson-Davis KL. Method validation of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) assay for the analysis of magnesium, copper and zinc in red blood cells. J Mass Spectrom Adv Clin Lab, October 2024; 34:21-27.

van Wijk XMR, McMillin GA. FDA's Final Rule on Laboratory-Developed Tests: What Is the Impact on Clinical Pharmacogenomics in the United States? J Appl Lab Med, October 2024.

Attaway C, Mathison BA, Misra A. No longer stuck in the past: new advances in artificial intelligence and molecular assays for parasitology screening and diagnosis. Current Opinion In Infectious Disease, October 2024; 37: 357-366.

Publications by Year