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Prescription drug coverage is included under all ARUP medical plans

  • Navitus is the provider for pharmaceutical benefits 
  • Pharmacy information can be found on your medical card, or your Health Joy app
  • Generic medications are less expensive than brand name
  • For best pricing use grocery store pharmacies
  • Click here for Utah pharmacies
  • 90 day mail-order option
  • Specialty Access Program for help with cost of specialty medications
Tier Price

Tier 0 Preventive


Tier 1 Generic


Tier 2 Brand


Tier 3 Non-Preferred

35% up to $145


Pharmacy Information
Mail Order
Navitus Specialty Access Program

ARUP Laboratories is partnering with Navitus Specialty Access program which will provide you with personalized guidance and clinical expertise to help you find the most cost-effective solutions for your specialty medication(s).

  • Lumicera is our specialty medication pharmacy
  • You will have a Lumicera member services specialist helping you to navigate the program
  • Certain medications are covered on this program (indicated as Tier AF on the formulary)
  • Enrollment is mandatory for savings
  • Once approved there will be little or no cost to you
  • It will require prior authorization
  • You will have to provide W-2, social security number and driver’s license
  • If you choose not to participate in the program, you will be charged 100% of the cost of the medication
  • If medication does not qualify, the default copayment will be 35% of Rx up to max $145

To enroll, please contact a Lumicera member services specialist at 855-847-3556
