Need help? Use the HealthJoy app to find a provider.
Prescription drug coverage is included under all ARUP medical plans
- Navitus is the provider for pharmaceutical benefits
- Pharmacy information can be found on your medical card, or your Health Joy app
- Generic medications are less expensive than brand name
- For best pricing use grocery store pharmacies
- Click here for Utah pharmacies
- 90 day mail-order option
- Specialty Access Program for help with cost of specialty medications
Tier | Price |
Tier 0 Preventive |
$0.00 |
Tier 1 Generic |
$5.00 |
Tier 2 Brand |
$30.00 |
Tier 3 Non-Preferred |
35% up to $145 Allegiance |
- (866) 333-2757
ARUP Laboratories is partnering with Navitus Specialty Access program which will provide you with personalized guidance and clinical expertise to help you find the most cost-effective solutions for your specialty medication(s).
- Lumicera is our specialty medication pharmacy
- You will have a Lumicera member services specialist helping you to navigate the program
- Certain medications are covered on this program (indicated as Tier AF on the formulary)
- Enrollment is mandatory for savings
- Once approved there will be little or no cost to you
- It will require prior authorization
- You will have to provide W-2, social security number and driver’s license
- If you choose not to participate in the program, you will be charged 100% of the cost of the medication
- If medication does not qualify, the default copayment will be 35% of Rx up to max $145
To enroll, please contact a Lumicera member services specialist at 855-847-3556