Utah Business magazine gave ARUP Laboratories an Honorable Mention Innovation Award for the newly created Innovation Business Unit, which aims to accelerate advancements in laboratory medicine.
The new Sherrie Perkins Research and Innovation Collaboration Grant, designed to foster collaboration in healthcare, will fund cutting-edge research in lab medicine that could impact patient care.
The lone star tick, which can transmit infectious diseases and trigger a serious red meat allergy, is spreading into new areas. ARUP Consult offers guidance to help diagnose tickborne illnesses.
The ARUP Consult® Fragile X (FMR1)-Associated Disorders topic offers information for providers from numerous medical specialties because of the variety of conditions associated with the FMR1 gene.
ARUP’s chief medical officer urged the House Committee on Ways and Means to consider oversight structures that both protect the public health and support innovation in healthcare.
ARUP Laboratories has been chosen as the site for a House Ways and Means Committee Field Hearing on July 12. Topics include medical innovation, healthcare access, and economic prosperity.
Karen Brisendine, a technologist in Mycology AFB, started working at ARUP in 1984 at the company’s founding. In the past 40 years, she has explored many positions, interests, and ARUP departments.
ARUP’s mission to continually improve patient care will carry the company into the future and drive further advancement of groundbreaking technologies and innovative solutions.