ARUP supports providers and their patients through every stage of family planning and pregnancy, from screening for genetic disorders to diagnosis and beyond.

Why Choose ARUP?


One Lab, One Test Menu

Find every test you need from one laboratory and one test menu, including related testing in oncology, hematology, and more.


Expert Consultation

Receive support from our integrated team of board-certified laboratory geneticists and genetic counselors.


Clinical Relevance

Access testing that is curated for maximum clinical relevance and includes genes with the highest levels of evidence.


Simplified Workflows

Interface results with the electronic medical record (EMR) to streamline your workflow.

Our pregnancy and prenatal testing offerings help clinicians to:

  • Determine the risk for heritable genetic diseases
  • Screen for and diagnose chromosomal abnormalities
  • Monitor the health of both the mother and fetus throughout pregnancy
  • Identify underlying causes for at-risk pregnancies, pregnancy loss, and infertility

ARUP Consult

ARUP Consult provides test selection and decision support resources, including disease topics, testing algorithms, and Test Fact Sheets.

View the following resources for more information:

Spotlight: Preeclampsia Risk Assessment

A new, FDA-cleared test enables physicians to assess the risk that a pregnant individual will develop preeclampsia with severe features. Test results, alongside other clinical evaluations, are useful to inform appropriate patient care

Learn more: Preeclampsia Risk Assessment

Prenatal Cytogenetics

ARUP offers a full-service cytogenetics testing suite to identify chromosomal abnormalities that inform treatment plans for the mother and fetus, enabling you to establish the best foundation for your patient and their family’s future.

We treat each case with care. Our dedicated genetic counselors personally review every prenatal case. They provide test selection guidance and interpretation assistance.

Our full-service Cytogenetics department provides outstanding stewardship based on current American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG)/Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) technical standards to support optimal patient care.

Learn more: Cytogenetics Testing

Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis

Noninvasive Prenatal Testing/Prenatal Cell-Free DNA Screening

Our noninvasive prenatal testing, also known as cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening, uses next generation whole genome sequencing to assess the risk that a fetus will be affected by chromosomal abnormalities.

Noninvasive prenatal testing is the most sensitive and specific testing available to screen for common chromosome aneuploidies such as Down syndrome.

Learn more: Noninvasive Prenatal Testing

Maternal Serum Screening

Maternal serum screening (MSS) assesses the risk that a fetus will be affected by chromosomal abnormalities, such as Trisomy 18, Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), and neural tube defects.

View our available tests on ARUP Consult: ARUP First and Second Trimester Maternal Serum Screening Options

Routine Prenatal Screening

Routine prenatal screening tests assess the health of the mother and fetus throughout pregnancy to ensure the best care outcomes. 

View our available tests on ARUP Consult: Pregnancy and Prenatal Laboratory Testing

Browse our Laboratory Test Directory for additional prenatal screening options, including our Prenatal Reflexive Panel.

Carrier Screening

Our carrier screening tests assess the risk of patients’ children inheriting genetic disorders and can be used to inform reproductive choices.

View our available tests on ARUP Consult: Carrier Screening for Genetic Disorders

Pregnancy Loss and Infertility

Laboratory testing for pregnancy loss and infertility may help affected couples make reproductive choices.

View our available tests on ARUP Consult: Evaluation of Infertility

Browse our Laboratory Test Directory for additional testing options for pregnancy loss by searching for “Products of Conception.”

Infectious Disease

Infectious diseases can have serious consequences during pregnancy, and timely diagnosis is critical. In addition to recommended routine screening tests, we also offer testing for numerous other diseases that may adversely affect pregnancy outcomes.

View our available tests on ARUP Consult: Pregnancy and Prenatal Laboratory Testing