Monkeypox Testing

September 14, 2022


On September 14th, 2022, ARUP will launch a new design of our Add and Cancel features in ARUP Connect™ with improved functionality.

This new design will save time and enhance the experience by combining multiple adds and cancels for a patient into one submission process. It will also preserve previous workflow to ensure a smooth transition and limit any interruption to your daily tasks.

This functionality will stay within Order Status and Results in ARUP Connect™.

What Will Change?

  • Ability to submit multiple adds and cancels for a patient in one request.
  • Allows you to change a patient's order by canceling a test and adding onto it at the same time.
  • Ability to see what cancels are in progress, have already occurred, or not possible on the same ARUP Accession on the submission page.
  • As adds and/or cancels are requested on the page, there will be a “Review Change Requests” section where you can review the actions you are taking before submission.

Additional Information

For more detailed information on the changes, please view our Add or Cancel a Test section within the ARUP Connect™ Help Center.

If you have additional questions, need help with ARUP Connect™, or would like a training on this application, please contact our Client Relations Training Team at

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