Monkeypox Testing

February 7, 2024

ARUP is committed to performing testing and transmitting results to our clients in a timely manner, which includes Miscellaneous Interface and Miscellaneous Referral testing. Proper order submissions play a key role in this process.

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to outline the differences between the two types of miscellaneous orders and ensure a smooth order and result transmission process: Miscellaneous Order FAQs .

Change Note: Historically, when more than one test was requested per order, ARUP has placed Miscellaneous Interface orders on Except to contact the client and request additional Miscellaneous Interface orders be transmitted. In an effort to perform testing and transmit results to our clients as soon as possible, ARUP will no longer be placing this issue on Except. All test results, regardless of how they were ordered, will be available in Connect.

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