ARUP Consult®, a free source of laboratory testing information for clinicians, has updated several resources in June.
ARUP Consult®, a free source of expert guidance in laboratory testing, has updated the Human Papillomavirus, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and Amenorrhea topics.
These and other offerings, which summarize current clinical practice guidelines, testing strategies, and relevant technical details, are updated regularly and tailored to clinicians to help them choose the right test at the right time.
Read on for more information about these recent changes. Subscribe to the ARUP Consult monthly newsletter to have updates and highlights like these delivered directly to your inbox.
Human Papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are usually self-limiting and asymptomatic, but certain strains of HPV have been linked to an increased risk for specific cancers. The ARUP Consult Human Papillomavirus topic has been updated to include clinical guidance on testing for HPV-mediated cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, vulvar cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer, primary urethral cancer, and anogenital warts and lesions.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) are different forms of a common malignancy that is usually diagnosed from blood cell counts and examination of peripheral smears. Refer to the revised ARUP Consult Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia topic to learn how additional laboratory testing, including cytogenetic testing, molecular testing, and flow cytometry, is used in prognosis and treatment decision-making.
Amenorrhea, or the absence of menstrual flow, may be classified as primary or secondary, but the evaluations of both types are similar. Amenorrhea has many causes, including pregnancy, which presents a challenge in investigating its etiology. Refer to the rewritten ARUP Consult Amenorrhea topic and the Amenorrhea Testing algorithm to learn more about the role of laboratory tests in the multifaceted evaluation of amenorrhea.
Other Noteworthy Updates
Don’t forget to check out these other resources, now live on ARUP Consult:
Consult Topics
Community-Acquired Pneumonia - CAP
PD-L1 Testing
Testing Algorithms
Test Fact Sheets
Autoimmune Dysautonomia Panel, Serum
Autoimmune Encephalopathy and Dementia Panel, Serum and CSF
Autoimmune Epilepsy Panel, Serum and CSF
Autoimmune Movement Disorder Panel, Serum and CSF
Autoimmune Myelopathy Panel, Serum and CSF
Autoimmune Neurologic Disease Panel With Reflex, Serum and CSF
Autoimmune Pediatric CNS Disorders Panel, Serum and CSF
Autoimmune Stiff-Person Disorders Panel, Serum and CSF
Whole Genome Sequencing
Keeping Pace With What’s Next
July is National Hemochromatosis Awareness Month. Hemochromatosis, an iron storage disorder that causes excess iron to be absorbed from food and other sources, may be hereditary or acquired. When biochemical or clinical findings suggest a hereditary etiology, genetic testing is indicated. Refer to the ARUP Consult Hemochromatosis topic for more information on laboratory testing recommendations.
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Kelly Killian,