Meet Our Consultants

Sandy Richman, MBA, C(ASCP)
Director, Healthcare Advisory Services
We’re here as a resource. Regardless of what our clients are looking for, we can usually help. We really are a true partner with a vested interest in their success. We want our clients to stay financially viable and ensure that they can provide the best healthcare.”
Areas of Focus: CAP readiness and response evaluation, laboratory space planning, laboratory stewardship program development, insourcing evaluation, market opportunity assessments, outreach business planning, outreach operational assessments, pricing strategy, quality management system assessment, reimbursement analysis, revenue cycle assessment, system laboratory alignment, total technical operations assessment, utilization analysis, workflow and Lean operations evaluation

David Shiembob, MBA, C(ASCP)CM
Supervisor, Healthcare Advisory Services
Every client has a somewhat different problem, and we're always looking to make sure we're solving the problem that this client has, not the last one.”
Areas of Focus: CAP readiness and response evaluation, insourcing evaluation, laboratory space planning, laboratory stewardship program development, market opportunity assessments, outreach business planning, outreach operational assessments, pricing strategy, quality management system assessment, reimbursement analysis, revenue cycle assessment, system laboratory alignment, total technical operations assessment, utilization analysis, workflow and Lean operations evaluation

Kouver Bingham, BS
Data Consultant
Data really comes alive when we actually start using it. When we start to understand our clients’ data and can say, ‘Hey, did you know you’re only using this test 10% of the time,’ then they have more information about their own business that they can then translate into doing more for their patients.”
Areas of Focus: AnalyticsDx™ comprehensive dashboard, AnalyticsDx sendout dashboard, ATOP® report, data consultation, data pipelines, data visualization, project tracking mechanisms, software and server development, web application development

Ladonna Bradley, MT(ASCP)
Senior Healthcare Consultant
We laboratorians don't realize how much we have in common as far as challenges within the laboratory and in the work that we do on a daily basis. It's nice to be able to say, ‘I've seen that! Here's what worked,’ and just provide some solutions. We can assure our clients they're not alone in facing certain challenges.”
Areas of Focus: CAP readiness and response evaluation, laboratory space planning, laboratory stewardship program development, market opportunity assessments, outreach business planning, outreach operational assessments, quality management system assessment, total technical operations assessment, utilization analysis, workflow and Lean operations evaluation

Todd Bullock, MBA, I(ASCP), LSSGB
Senior Healthcare Consultant
We want our clients to know that we have a broad range of offerings, and we often have a hard time saying no. Even if what they need isn’t exactly a direct fit with what we have on paper, we’re going to go out of our way to help find the resources we do have to help meet their needs.”
Areas of Focus: Insourcing evaluation, laboratory stewardship program development, preliminary market assessment, quality management system assessment, total technical operations assessment, utilization analysis

Bella Church, MS, C(ASCP)CM
Senior Healthcare Consultant
I love looking at a problem and coming up with a solution. Our clients are very change oriented, and they want to make improvements that make a difference in their operations. I think that’s exciting, and it’s rewarding to see positive change and process improvement.”
Areas of Focus: CAP readiness and response evaluation, insourcing evaluation, laboratory space planning, quality management system assessment, total technical operations assessment, workflow and Lean operations evaluation

Erik Forsman, BS
Senior Data Consultant
Hospitals are almost always understaffed; they’re always busy. We save them time by getting the data for them, and in doing so, we hopefully help streamline some of their processes.”
Areas of Focus: AnalyticsDx™ comprehensive dashboard, AnalyticsDx sendout dashboard, ATOP® report, data analysis, data automation, database development, data optimization, database management, information technology

Leigh Huynh, MBA
Senior Healthcare Consultant
Healthcare is a constant work in progress. There are constantly new and better ways of doing things. That’s exciting and really challenging.”
Areas of Focus: Laboratory space planning, market opportunity assessments, outreach operational assessments, total technical operations assessment, workflow and Lean operations evaluation

Bryan Lawlor, BS, C(ASCP)CM
Data Consultant
The world is all data now, and there’s so much we can learn from it. If it’s not visually digestible, though, it’s hard to get at what the information is. I find it really satisfying to help clients see something in the data that they didn’t see before.”
Areas of Focus: AnalyticsDx™ comprehensive dashboard, AnalyticsDx sendout dashboard, ATOP® report, automation, data analysis, information technology, LIS management

Ryan Nelson, PharmD
Senior Pharmacy Consultant
I just feel in my heart that we’re so patient focused and patient centered because we know patients are the end users of all the things that we do.“
Areas of Focus: Germline and somatic pharmacogenetics, health economics and outcomes, pharmacy, precision medicine, therapeutic drug monitoring

Rick Panning, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM
Senior Healthcare Consultant
Quality, accuracy, and precision in lab services are always the most important things. Turnaround times are also important. Providers don’t want to wait an inordinate amount of time to get results because, depending on why a patient is being served, there may be some very emotional issues, and waiting for lab tests is not something you want to prolong.”
Areas of Focus: CAP readiness and response evaluation, laboratory space planning, laboratory stewardship program development, market opportunity assessments, outreach business planning, outreach operational assessments, quality management system assessment, system laboratory alignment, total technical operations assessment, utilization analysis, workflow and Lean operations evaluation

Tony Smith, BS(HCM), MLT(ASCP)
Senior Healthcare Consultant
One thing I've come to appreciate in my many years of working in lab operations is that if you can appreciate the boots on the ground, the people who are doing that daily work, they're often the ones who have the best solutions. Making sure that you can give them a voice and an opportunity to really have an impact is beneficial.”
Areas of Focus: CMS quality assessment, insourcing evaluation, laboratory stewardship program development, preliminary market assessment, quality management system assessment, total technical operations assessment, utilization analysis

Jennifer Tincher, MBA, RRT
Senior Healthcare Consultant
We’re here to help labs on their journey within the healthcare system. If we can help them become passionate about where they want to be, then I think laboratories can promote themselves beyond where they are now in their organizations.”
Areas of Focus: Blood utilization analysis, CMS quality assessment, laboratory stewardship program development, order set analysis, utilization analysis
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UC Davis Health Consultation Leads to Improved Staffing, Faster Turnaround Times
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True Lab Stewardship Embraces Patient Access to Testing, Financial Fairness
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